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- October 6th -
Kick-Start Progressive and Positive Change
in Oldham County!

United for Democracy packs a punch with a dynamic quartet of speakers. Join us for a festive evening with fellow liberal Oldham Countians.

​On October 6th, the Oldham County Democrats will host a night of progressive & positive change, United for Democracy, featuring speakers advocating change as well as candidates running for office.  
While in-person events were placed on hold for the last couple of years, the commitment of the Oldham County Democratic Committee remains strong. We are excited to resume the Oldham County Dems' annual Fall event, formerly known as the Martha Layne Collins Dinner, 6-8 pm on Thursday, October 6th at 314 Exchange in PeWee Valley.
Enjoy heavy hors d'oeuvres and an open bar while learning how to Unite Kentucky for Democracy from our speakers and candidates. In this time of change, we need to elect thoughtful leaders, who know the issues that confront everyday Kentuckians. Tickets are $75 for adults and $25 for students. 
Our United for Democracy evening features dynamic speakers from Planned Parenthood, Protect Kentucky Access, The People's Campaign, and Showing Up For Racial Justice. Candidates running for office and attending United for Democracy include: Charles Booker (US Senate), Matt Lehman (US Congress, Dist. 4), Brian Easley (KY State Senate Write-in, Dist. 6), Karin Soltau (Magistrate), Maria Sorolis (KY State House, Dist. 48), and Kate Turner (KY State House, Dist. 33). 
If you are unable to attend United for Democracy this year, consider a donation to the Oldham County Democrats' efforts to strengthen our local party and elect local leaders. 
Thursday, October 6th
6-8 pm
$75 tickets (students $25)
Includes hors d'oeuvres & open bar
314 Exchange
Pewee Valley, KY 
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